The Rotifers series came about as a result of my interest in exploring the similarities found in organic structures. Comparative anatomy and the study of evolutionary morphology reveals a kind of blueprint to life on this planet. Factors such as environmental conditions and the fundamental design concept of form following function gives rise to similar organic structures aiding life and survival, forms related to eating, digesting, reproducing, defense, and motility. The alien-like forms presented by these zooplankton served as inspiration for the creation of my own set of make-believe organisms possessing fanciful appendages, organs, and tissues. I enjoyed implying a sense of function to the varied apparatuses I invented, as well as encouraging the comparison of one imagined creature to the next.

It’s through the investigation of the world around us that I find connection and a sense of wonder for the sophistication, elegance, and beauty of nature’s creations.

This is a diagram of the anatomy of a rotifer. To learn more about rotifers, click on the image.


The Constructivist Series


The Protists